Academic publications

Here you find a list of my publications in academic journals and reports. Some, but not all, are open-access and can be freely downloaded. Others are behind a paywall; do not hesitate to write me at <> or <> for a PDF.

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Milleret, C., Dupont, P., Chapron, G., Swenson, J.E., Bischof, R., 2024. Sweden is shooting brown bears in the dark. Science 385, 1052–1052.

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Chapron, G., 2024. Reverse EU’s growing greenlash. Science 383, 1161–1161.

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Chapron, G., Epstein, Y., Ouro Ortmark, M., Helmius, L., Ramírez Loza, J.P., Bétaille, J., López-Bao, J.V. (2023). European Commission may gut wolf protection. Science 382, 275–275.

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Marucco, F., Reinhardt, I., Avanzinelli, E., Zimmermann, F., Manz, R., Potočnik, H., Černe, R., Rauer, G., Walter, T., Knauer, F., Chapron, G., Duchamp, C. (2023). Transboundary Monitoring of the Wolf Alpine Population over 21 Years and Seven Countries. Animals 13, 3551.

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Chapron, G. (2023). Avant-propos, in: La contribution du droit à la réalisation d’un objectif environnemental: l’exemple de la conservation du loup gris en Espagne, en France et en Suède. Marfaing, G. (Ed). L’Harmattan, Paris.

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Montgomery, R.A., Mudumba, T., Wijers, M., Boudinot, L.A., Loveridge, A., Chapron, G. & Macdonald, D.W. (2023). Predicting the consequences of subsistence poaching on the population persistence of a non-target species of conservation concern. Biological Conservation 284, 110147.

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Epstein, Y., López-Bao, J.V. & Chapron, G. (2023). Strict protection of species in the EU: Controversies and trends, in: Nature Law and Policy in Europe, Jackson, E.L.R. (Ed). Routledge, London, pp. 201–213.

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Loveridge, A. J., Wijers, M., Mandisodza-Chikerema, R., Macdonald, D. W. &
Chapron, G. (2023). Anthropogenic edge effects and aging errors by hunters can affect the sustainability of lion trophy hunting. Scientific Reports. 13, 95

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Boitani, L., Kaczensky, P., Alvares, F., Andrén, H., Balys, V., Blanco, J., Chapron, G. & et al. (2022). Assessment of the conservation status of the Wolf (Canis lupus) in Europe. Report to Bern Convention Standing Committee.

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Johansson, Ö., Mishra, C., Chapron, G., Samelius, G., Lkhagvajav, P., McCarthy, T., & Low, M. (2022). Seasonal variation in daily activity patterns of snow leopards and their prey. Scientific Reports, 12, 21681

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Chapron, G. (2022). Sweden threatens European biodiversity. Science 378 (6618), 364–364.

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Chapron, G., Marfaing, G. & Betaille, J. (2002). Patterns of Litigation in France during Two Decades of Recovery of a Large Carnivore. bioRxiv October 14, 2022, p 2022.10.11.511781.

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Chapron, G. (2022). A conservation policy as a conservation threat. Animal Conservation. acv.12819.

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Epstein, Y., Chapron, G., & Verheggen, F. (2022). What is an emergency? Neonicotinoids and emergency situations in plant protection in the EU. Ambio 51: 1764–1771.

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Andrén, H., Aronsson, M., López‐Bao, J. V., Samelius, G., Chapron, G., Rauset, G. R., Hemmingmoore, H., & Persson, J. (2022). Season rather than habitat affects lynx survival and risk of mortality in the human‐dominated landscape of southern Sweden. Wildlife Biology, 2022(1).

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Epstein, Y., Chapron, G., & Verheggen, F. (2021). EU Court to rule on banned pesticide use. Science.  373 (6552), 290

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Grace, M.K., Akçakaya, H.R., Bennett, E.L., Brooks, T.M., Heath, A., Hedges, S., Hilton-Taylor, C., Hoffmann, M., Hochkirch, A., Jenkins, R., Keith, D.A., Long, B., Mallon, D.P., Meijaard, E., Milner-Gulland, E.J., Rodriguez, J.P., Stephenson, P.P.J., Stuart, S.N., Young, R.P., Acebes, P., 

Alfaro-Shigueto, J., Alvarez-Clare, S., Andriantsimanarilafy, R.R., Arbetman, M., Azat, C., Bacchetta, G., Badola, R., Barcelos, L.M.D., Barreiros, J.P., Basak, S., Berger, D.J., Bhattacharyya, S., Bino, G., Borges, P.A.V., Boughton, R.K., Brockmann, H.J., Buckley, H.L., Burfield, I.J., Burton, J., Camacho-Badani, T., Cano-Alonso, L.S., Carmichael, R.H., Carrero, C., Carroll, J.P., Catsadorakis, G., Chapple, D.G., Chapron, G., Chowdhury, G.W., Claassens, L., Cogoni, D., Constantine, R., Craig, C.A., Cunningham, A.A., … , Yong, J.W.H. & Young, S. (2021). Testing a global standard for quantifying species recovery and assessing conservation impact. Conservation Biology 35(6): 1833-1849.

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Arbieu, U., Chapron, G., Astaras, C., Bunnefeld, N., Harkins, S., Iliopoulos, Y., Mehring, M., Reinhardt, I., & Mueller, T. (2021). News selection and framing: the media as a stakeholder in human-carnivore coexistence. Environmental Research Letters. 16 064075

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Quenette, P.-Y., Chapron, G., Gimenez, O., 2021. Rapport d’expertise analyse démo-génétique de la population d’ours brun du massif des Pyrénées (No. 2021/DRAS/UPADE/EO05/02/2021).

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Arlettaz, R., Chapron, G., Kéry, M., Klaus, E., Mettaz, S., Roder, S., Vignali, S., Zimmermann, F., & Braunisch, V. (2021). Poaching threatens the establishment of a lynx population, highlighting the need for a centralized judiciary approach. Frontiers in Conservation Science, 2, 17.

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Zetterberg, C., Chapron, G., Christiernsson, A., Epstein, Y. & Michanek, G. (2021). Dispens från förbud att skada naturen: Slutrapport. Naturvårdsverket - Rapport 7010 [in Swedish].

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Bauer, H., Dickman, A., Chapron, G., Oriol-Cotterill, A., Nicholson, S. K., Sillero-Zubiri, C., Hunter, L., Lindsey, P., & Macdonald, D. W. (2020). Threat analysis for more effective lion conservation. Oryx, 1-8.

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Arlettaz, R., & Chapron, G. (2020). Swiss law would weaken wildlife protection. Science, 369(6511), 1576.

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Taylor, B., Chapron, G., Kopnina, H., Orlikowska, E., Gray, J., & Piccolo, J. J. (2020). The need for ecocentrism in biodiversity conservation. Conservation Biology. 34(5): 1089-1096.

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Chapron, G., & López-Bao, J. V. (2020). The place of nature in conservation conflicts. Conservation Biology. 34(4):795-802.

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Johansson, Ö., Samelius, G., Wikberg, E., Chapron, G., Mishra, C., & Low, M. (2020). Identification errors in camera-trap studies result in systematic population overestimation. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 6393.

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Andrén, H., Hobbs, N. T., Aronsson, M., Brøseth, H., Chapron, G., Linnell, J. D. C., Odden, J., Persson, J., & Nilsen, E. B. (2019). Harvest models of small populations of a large carnivore using Bayesian forecasting. Ecological Applications, 30(3): 1-18.

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Epstein, Y., López-Bao, J. V., Trouwborst, A., & Chapron, G. (2019). EU Court: Science must justify future hunting. Science, 366(6468), 961.

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Chapron, G., & López-Bao, J. V. (2019). Trophy hunting: Role of consequentialism. Science, 366(6464), 432 (with author note).

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Sazatornil, V., Trouwborst, A., Chapron, G., Rodríguez, A., & López-Bao, J. V. (2019). Policy analysis: Top-down dilution of conservation commitments in Europe: An example using breeding site protection for wolves. Biological Conservation 237, 185-190.

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Kiffner, C., Chapron, G., & König, H. J. (2019). Germany’s wolves in the crosshairs. Science, 365(6458), 1089.

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Donfrancesco, V., Ciucci, P., Salvatori, V., Benson, D., Andersen, L.W., Bassi, E., Blanco, J.C., Boitani, L., Caniglia, R., Canu, A., Capitani, C., Chapron, G., Czarnomska, 

S.D., Fabbri, E., Galaverni, M., Galov, A., Gimenez, O., Godinho, R., Greco, C., Hindrikson, M., Huber, D., Hulva, P., Jedrzejewski, W., Kusak, J., Linnell, J.D.C., Llaneza, L., López-Bao, J.V., Männil, P., Marucco, F., Mattioli, L., Milanesi, P., Milleret, C., Mysłajek, R.W., Ordiz, A., Palacios, V., Pedersen, H.C., Pertoldi, C., Pilot, M., Randi, E., Rodríguez, A., Saarma, U., Sand, H., Scandura, M., Stronen, A.V., Tsingarska, E. & Mukherjee, N. (2019). Unravelling the Scientific Debate on How to Address Wolf-Dog Hybridization in Europe. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7: 175.

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Chapron, G., Epstein, Y. & López-Bao, J.V. (2019). A rights revolution for nature. Science 363(6434):  1392-1393.

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Epstein, Y., Christiernsson, A., López-Bao, J.-V. & Chapron, G. (2019). When is it legal to hunt strictly protected species in the European Union? Conservation Science and Practice 1:e18.

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Washington, H., Chapron, G., Kopnina, H., Curry, P., Gray, J. & Piccolo, J.J. (2018). Foregrounding ecojustice in conservation. Biological Conservation 228: 367-374.

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Milleret, C., Ordiz, A., Chapron, G., Andreassen, H.P., Kindberg, J., Månsson, J., Tallian, A., Wabakken, P., Wikenros, C., Zimmermann, B., Swenson, J.E. & Sand, H. (2018). Habitat segregation between brown bears and gray wolves in a human-dominated landscape. Ecology and Evolution 8(23): 11450-11466.

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Epstein, Y. & Chapron, G. (2018). The Hunting of Strictly Protected Species: The Tapiola Case and the Limits of Derogation under Article 16 of the Habitats Directive. European Energy and Environmental Law Review 27(3): 78-87.

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López-Bao, J.V., Fleurke, F., Chapron, G. & Trouwborst, A. (2018). Legal obligations regarding populations on the verge of extinction in Europe: Conservation, Restoration, Recolonization, Reintroduction. Biological Conservation 227: 319-325.

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Courchamp, F., Jaric, I., Albert, C., Meinard, Y., Ripple, W.J. & Chapron, G. (2018). The paradoxical extinction of the most charismatic animals. PLoS Biology 16(4): e2003997.

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Chapron, G., Levrel, H., Meinard, Y. & Courchamp, F. (2018). Satire for Conservation in the 21st Century. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 33(7): 478-480.

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Chapron, G., Epstein, Y. & López-Bao, J.V. (2018). Don’t let triage put a gloss on extinctions. Nature 554(7692): 300.

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Chapron, G., Levrel, H., Meinard, Y. & Courchamp, F. (2018). A Final Warning to Planet Earth. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 33(9): 651-652.

SATIRE: Planet Earth, get lost!

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Eklund, A., López-Bao, J.V., Tourani, M., Chapron, G. & Frank, J. (2018). Author Correction: Limited evidence on the effectiveness of interventions to reduce livestock predation by large carnivores. Scientific Reports 8(1): 5770.

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van Eeden, L.M., Eklund, A., Miller, J.R.B., López-Bao, J.V., Chapron, G., Cejtin, M.R., Crowther, M.S., Dickman, C.R., Frank, J., Krofel, M., Macdonald, D.W., McManus, J., Meyer, T.K., Middleton, A.D., Newsome, T.M., Ripple, W.J., Ritchie, E.G., Schmitz, O.J., Stoner, K.J., Tourani, M. & Treves, A. (2018). Carnivore conservation needs evidence-based livestock protection. PLOS Biology 16(9): e2005577.

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Darimont, C.T., Paquet, P.C., Treves, A., Artelle, K.A. & Chapron, G. (2018). Political populations of large carnivores. Conservation Biology 32(3): 747-749.

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López-Bao, J.V., Chapron, G. & Treves, A. (2017). The Achilles heel of participatory conservation. Biological Conservation 212: 139-143.

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Treves, A., Chapron, G., López-Bao, J.V., Shoemaker, C., Goeckner, A.R. & Bruskotter, J.T. (2017). Predators and the public trust. Biological Reviews 92(1): 248-270.

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Chapron, G. & Treves, A. (2017). Reply to comments by Olson et al. 2017 and Stien 2017. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284(1867):

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Chapron, G. & Treves, A. (2017). Reply to comment by Pepin et al. 2017. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284(1851):

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Bruskotter, J.T., Vucetich, J.A., Manfredo, M.J., Karns, G.R., Wolf, C., Ard, K., Carter, N.H., López-Bao, J.V., Chapron, G., Gehrt, S.D. & Ripple, W.J. (2017). Modernization, Risk, and Conservation of the World’s Largest Carnivores. BioScience 67(7): 646-655.

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Chapron, G., Epstein, Y., Trouwborst, A. & López-Bao, J.V. (2017). Bolster legal boundaries to stay within planetary boundaries. Nature Ecology and Evolution 1(3): 0086. Read online the full paper in epdf.

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Eklund, A., López-Bao, J.V., Tourani, M., Chapron, G. & Frank, J. (2017). Limited evidence on the effectiveness of interventions to reduce livestock predation by large carnivores. Scientific Reports 7(1):

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Carter, N.H., López-Bao, J.V., Bruskotter, J.T., Gore, M., Chapron, G., Johnson, A., Epstein, Y., Shrestha, M., Frank, J., Ohrens, O. & Treves, A. (2017). A conceptual framework for understanding illegal killing of large carnivores. Ambio 46(3): 251-264.

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Trouwborst, A., Chapron, G., Fleurke, F., Epstein, Y. & López-Bao, J.V. (2017). Europe's biodiversity avoids fatal setback. Science 355(6321): 140.

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Trouwborst, A., Blackmore, A., Boitani, L., Bowman, M., Caddell, R., Chapron, G., Cliquet, A., Couzens, E., Epstein, Y., Fernández-Galiano, E., Fleurke, F.M., Gardner, R., Hunter, L., Jacobsen, K., Krofel, M., Lewis, M., López-Bao, J.V., Macdonald, D., Redpath, S., Wandesforde-Smith, G. & Linnell, J.D.C. (2017). International Wildlife Law: Understanding and Enhancing Its Role in Conservation. BioScience 67(9): 784-790.

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Rust, N.A., Abrams, A., Challender, D.W.S., Chapron, G., Ghoddousi, A., Glikman, J.A., Gowan, C.H., Hughes, C., Rastogi, A., Said, A., Sutton, A., Taylor, N., Thomas, S., Unnikrishnan, H., Webber, A.D., Wordingham, G. & Hill, C.M. (2017). Quantity Does Not Always Mean Quality: The Importance of Qualitative Social Science in Conservation Research. Society and Natural Resources 30(10): 1304-1310.

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Lindsey, P.A., Chapron, G., Petracca, L.S., Burnham, D., Hayward, M.W., Henschel, P., Hinks, A.E., Garnett, S.T., Macdonald, D.W., Macdonald, E.A., Ripple, W.J., Zander, K. & Dickman, A. (2017). Relative efforts of countries to conserve world’s megafauna. Global Ecology and Conservation 10: 243-252.

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Chapron, G. (2017). The environment needs cryptogovernance. Nature 545(7655): 403-405.

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Ripple, W.J., Chapron, G., López-Bao, J.V., Durant, S.M., MacDonald, D.W., Lindsey, P.A., Bennett, E.L., Beschta, R.L., Bruskotter, J.T., Campos-Arceiz, A.,

Corlett, R.T., Darimont, C.T., Dickman, A.J., Dirzo, R., Dublin, H.T., Estes, J.A., Everatt, K.T., Galetti, M., Goswami, V.R., Hayward, M.W., Hedges, S., Hoffmann, M., Hunter, L.T.B., Kerley, G.I.H., Letnic, M., Levi, T., Maisels, F., Morrison, J.C., Nelson, M.P., Newsome, T.M., Painter, L., Pringle, R.M., Sandom, C.J., Terborgh, J., Treves, A., Van Valkenburgh, B., Vucetich, J.A., Wirsing, A.J., Wallach, A.D., Wolf, C., Woodroffe, R., Young, H. & Zhang, L. (2017). Conserving the world’s megafauna and biodiversity: The fierce urgency of now. BioScience 67(3): 197-200.

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Chapron, G. (2017). Le loup et le scientifique. La pensée écologique 1: 1.

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Macdonald, D.W. & Chapron, G. (2017). Outbreeding ideas for conservation success. Oryx 51(2): 206.

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López-Bao, J.V., Bruskotter, J. & Chapron, G. (2017). Finding space for large carnivores. Nature Ecology and Evolution 1(5): 0140.

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Epstein, Y., López-Bao, J.V. & Chapron, G. (2016). A Legal-Ecological Understanding of Favorable Conservation Status for Species in Europe. Conservation Letters 9(2): 81-88.

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Ripple, W.J., Chapron, G., López-Bao, J.V., Durant, S.M., Macdonald, D.W., Lindsey, P.A., Bennett, E.L., Beschta, R.L., Bruskotter, J.T., Campos-Arceiz, A.,

Corlett, R.T., Darimont, C.T., Dickman, A.J., Dirzo, R., Dublin, H.T., Estes, J.A., Everatt, K.T., Galetti, M., Goswami, V.R., Hayward, M.W., Hedges, S., Hoffmann, M., Hunter, L.T.B., Kerley, G.I.H., Letnic, M., Levi, T., Maisels, F., Morrison, J.C., Nelson, M.P., Newsome, T.M., Painter, L., Pringle, R.M., Sandom, C.J., Terborgh, J., Treves, A., Van Valkenburgh, B., Vucetich, J.A., Wirsing, A.J., Wallach, A.D., Wolf, C., Woodroffe, R., Young, H. & Zhang, L. (2016). Saving the World’s Terrestrial Megafauna. BioScience 66(10): 807-812.

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Kutal, M., Váňa, M., Suchomel, J., Chapron, G. & López-Bao, J.V. (2016). Trans-Boundary edge effects in the western carpathians: The influence of hunting on large carnivore occupancy. PLoS ONE 11(12):

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Newsome, T.M., Boitani, L., Chapron, G., Ciucci, P., Dickman, C.R., Dellinger, J.A., López-Bao, J.V., Peterson, R.O., Shores, C.R., Wirsing, A.J. & Ripple, W.J. (2016). Food habits of the world’s grey wolves.  Mammal Review 46(4): 255-269.

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Nelson, M.P., Bruskotter, J.T., Vucetich, J.A. & Chapron, G. (2016). Emotions and the Ethics of Consequence in Conservation Decisions: Lessons from Cecil the Lion. Conservation Letters 9(4): 302-306.

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Loveridge, A.J., Valeix, M., Chapron, G., Davidson, Z., Mtare, G. & Macdonald, D.W. (2016). Conservation of large predator populations: Demographic and spatial responses of African lions to the intensity of trophy hunting. Biological Conservation 204: 247-254.

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Chapron, G. & López-Bao, J.V. (2016). Coexistence with Large Carnivores Informed by Community Ecology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 31(8): 578-580.

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Chapron, G. & Treves, A. (2016). Correction to ‘blood does not buy goodwill: Allowing culling increases poaching of a large carnivore’. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283(1845): 

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Chapron, G. & Treves, A. (2016). Blood does not buy goodwill: Allowing culling increases poaching of a large carnivore. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283(1830):

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Chapron, G., Wikenros, C., Liberg, O., Wabakken, P., Flagstad, Ø., Milleret, C., Månsson, J., Svensson, L., Zimmermann, B., Åkesson, M. & Sand, H. (2016). Estimating wolf (Canis lupus) population size from number of packs and an individual based model.  Ecological Modelling 339: 33-44.

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Ripple, W.J., Abernethy, K., Betts, M.G., Chapron, G., Dirzo, R., Galetti, M., Levi, T., Lindsey, P.A., Macdonald, D.W., Machovina, B., Newsome, T.M., Peres, C.A., Wallach, A.D. & Wolf, C. (2016). Bushmeat hunting and extinction risk to the world’s mammals. Royal Society Open Science 3(10): 

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Bauer, H., Chapron, G., Nowell, K., Henschel, P., Funston, P., Hunter, L.T.B., Macdonald, D.W., Dloniak, S.M. & Packer, C. (2016). Reply to Riggio et al.: Ongoing lion declines across most of Africa warrant urgent action. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113(2): E109.

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Krofel, M., Treves, A., Ripple, W.J., Chapron, G. & López-Bao, J.V. (2015). Hunted carnivores at outsized risk. Science 350(6260): 518-519.

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Bauer, H., Chapron, G., Nowell, K., Henschel, P., Funston, P., Hunter, L.T.B., Macdonald, D.W. & Packer, C. (2015). Lion (Panthera leo) populations are declining rapidly across Africa, except in intensively managed areas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112(48): 14894-14899.

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López-Bao, J.V., Blanco, J.C., Rodríguez, A., Godinho, R., Sazatornil, V., Alvares, F., García, E.J., Llaneza, L., Rico, M., Cortés, Y., Palacios, V. & Chapron, G. (2015). Toothless wildlife protection laws. Biodiversity and Conservation 24(8): 2105-2108.

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Wikenros, C., Sand, H., Bergström, R., Liberg, O. & Chapron, G. (2015). Response of moose hunters to predation following wolf return in Sweden. PLoS ONE 10(4):

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Persson, J., Rauset, G.R. & Chapron, G. (2015). Paying for an Endangered Predator Leads to Population Recovery. Conservation Letters 8(5): 345-350.

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Quenette, P.-Y., Bombillon, N., Sentilles, J., Chapron, G. & Camarra, J.-J. (2015). Monitoring of Two Small Subpopulations of Brown Bears in the Pyrenees, 1993 to 2014. International Bear News 24(3): 16-19.

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López-Bao, J.V., Kaczensky, P., Linnell, J.D.C., Boitani, L. & Chapron, G. (2015). Carnivore coexistence: Wilderness not required. Science 348(6237): 871-872.

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Chapron, G. (2014). Challenge the abuse of science in setting policy. Nature 516(7531): 289.

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Chapron, G. & López-Bao, J.V. (2014). Conserving carnivores: Politics in play. Science 343(6176): 1199-1200.

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Chapron, G., Kaczensky, P., Linnell, J.D.C., Von Arx, M., Huber, D., Andrén, H., López-Bao, J.V., Adamec, M., Álvares, F., Anders, O., Balečiauskas, L., Balys, V., Bedõ, P., Bego, F., Blanco, J.C., Breitenmoser, U., Brøseth, H., Bufka, L., Bunikyte, R., Ciucci, P., Dutsov, A., Engleder, T., Fuxjäger, C., Groff, C., Holmala, K., Hoxha, B., Iliopoulos, Y., Ionescu, O., Jeremić, J., Jerina, K., Kluth, G., Knauer, F., Kojola, I., Kos, I., Krofel, M., Kubala, J., Kunovac, S., Kusak,  

J., Kutal, M., Liberg, O., Majić, A., Männil, P., Manz, R., Marboutin, E., Marucco, F., Melovski, D., Mersini, K., Mertzanis, Y., Mysłajek, R.W., Nowak, S., Odden, J., Ozolins, J., Palomero, G., Paunović, M., Persson, J., Potoečnik, H., Quenette, P.-Y., Rauer, G., Reinhardt, I., Rigg, R., Ryser, A., Salvatori, V., Skrbinšek, T., Stojanov, A., Swenson, J.E., Szemethy, L., Trajçe, A., Tsingarska-Sedefcheva, E., Váňa, M., Veeroja, R., Wabakken, P., Wölfl, M., Wölfl, S., Zimmermann, F., Zlatanova, D. & Boitani, L. (2014). Recovery of large carnivores in Europe’s modern human-dominated landscapes. Science 346(6216): 1517-1519.

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Chadès, I., Chapron, G., Cros, M.-J., Garcia, F. & Sabbadin, R. (2014). MDPtoolbox: A multi-platform toolbox to solve stochastic dynamic programming problems. Ecography 37(9): 916-920.

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Rauset, G.R., Mattisson, J., Andrén, H., Chapron, G. & Persson, J. (2013). When species’ ranges meet: Assessing differences in habitat selection between sympatric large carnivores. Oecologia 172(3): 701-711.

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Jonzén, N., Sand, H., Wabakken, P., Swenson, J.E., Kindberg, J., Liberg, O. & Chapron, G. (2013). Sharing the bounty-Adjusting harvest to predator return in the Scandinavian human-wolf-bear-moose system. Ecological Modelling 265: 140-148.

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Chapron, G., López-Bao, J.V., Kjellander, P. & Karlsson, J. (2013). Misuse of scientific data in wolf policy. Science 340(6127): 1521.

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Inman, R.M., Brock, B.L., Inman, K.H., Sartorius, S.S., Aber, B.C., Giddings, B., Cain, S.L., Orme, M.L., Fredrick, J.A., Oakleaf, B.J., Alt, K.L., Odell, E. & Chapron, G. (2013). Developing priorities for metapopulation conservation at the landscape scale: Wolverines in the western United States. Biological Conservation 166: 276-286.

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Chapron, G., Wielgus, R. & Lambert, A. (2013). Overestimates of maternity and population growth rates in multi-annual breeders. European Journal of Wildlife Research 59(2): 237-243.

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Marescot, L., Chapron, G., Chadès, I., Fackler, P.L., Duchamp, C., Marboutin, E. & Gimenez, O. (2013). Complex decisions made simple: A primer on stochastic dynamic programming. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4(9): 872-884.

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Hobbs, N.T., Andrén, H., Persson, J., Aronsson, M. & Chapron, G. (2012). Native predators reduce harvest of reindeer by Sámi pastoralists. Ecological Applications 22(5): 1640-1654.

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Liberg, O., Chapron, G., Wabakken, P., Pedersen, H.C., Thompson Hobbs, N. & Sand, H. (2012). Shoot, shovel and shut up: Cryptic poaching slows restoration of a large carnivore in Europe. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279(1730): 910-915.

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Marescot, L., Gimenez, O., Duchamp, C., Marboutin, E. & Chapron, G. (2012). Reducing matrix population models with application to social animal species. Ecological Modelling 232: 91-96.

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Arlettaz, R., Chapron, G. & Braunisch, V. (2011). Active scepticism must drive biodiversity conservation science. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 26(8): 379-380.

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Chapron, G., Miquelle, D.G., Lambert, A., Goodrich, J.M., Legendre, S. & Clobert, J. (2008). The impact on tigers of poaching versus prey depletion. Journal of Applied Ecology 45(6): 1667-1674.

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Linkie, M., Chapron, G., Martyr, D.J., Holden, J. & Leader-Williams, N. (2006). Assessing the viability of tiger subpopulations in a fragmented landscape. Journal of Applied Ecology 43(3): 576-586.

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Chapron, G., Quenette, P.-Y., Legendre, S. & Clobert, J. (2003). Which future for the French Pyrenean brown bear (Ursus arctos) population? An approach using stage-structured deterministic and stochastic models. Comptes Rendus - Biologies 326: S174-S182.

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Chapron, G., Legendre, S., Ferrière, R., Clobert, J. & Haight, R.G. (2003). Conservation and control strategies for the wolf (Canis lupus) in western Europe based on demographic models. Comptes Rendus - Biologies 326(6): 575-587.

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